The inclusion of the Roma population represents a public priority at the European, national and local level, the need to promote the Roma culture and the need to preserve the immaterial cultural heritage of the Roma being assumed through strategic and programmatic documents. In this context, the „Khetanes – Together” project involves the development of a cultural entrepreneurship concept aimed at promoting Roma culture through 7 contemporary creative activities in which ethnic Roma will be directly involved.
A musical theatre show, a puppet theatre show, the video versions of the two shows that will be posted on the project’s Facebook page and on the dedicated website, a photography exhibition, a painting exhibition and a documentary film will be the contemporary creative activities through which the traditions, customs, crafts, traditional dress and language of the Roma community in Constanța county will be promoted among the general public.
Access to culture will be facilitate for 2,000 Roma from underprivileged areas of Constanța county by ensuring their participation as spectators in the 10 performances of the musical theatre show and the 30 performances of the puppet theatre show as well as the painting exhibition and a photography exhibition. 10 people of Roma ethnicity will develop their skills specific to dramatic art and musical art by participating in a non-formal training course and will be part of the cast of the musical theatre show. Improving access to culture will also be achieved by creating 18 jobs within the project; 2,000 people of Roma ethnicity will be targeted by capacity building measures, at the online and offline cultural-artistic activities, with a total of over 5,000 spectators to participate.
These activities will benefit from the contribution of the partner from Romania, the Association „Center for Social Inclusion – S-E Region”, an organization whose activity is dedicated to supporting the Roma community in Constanța county, as well as the support of the partner from Norway, Concordia Oslo, which will contribute to the management of the project and will provide specialist consultancy in the implementation of the 7 contemporary creative activities.